Fourth Day (Jan. 26).

26 Jan

Moon: Waxing Gibbous

Flow/Texture: a few teaspoons, reddish brown liquid, brown chunky bits

Mood:  bouncy

Symptoms: a little cramping


Looks like I’m just about done for this month.  Tomorrow, unless things are seriously changing, I’ll have bits and pieces or remnant.  This one went quicker, though that first day, was no stroll through squishy beach sand.  Oy.

The scent was normal–I suppose I’ll attribute the odor to protein overload:  I ate and drank a lot.

Just a note:  I discovered while I was really, really away that baking soda and Dial hand soap are awesome like wonder twins for cleaning a less-than-perfect Diva Cup.  My eyes boggled at how clean & clear it got–Yeah, I’ve become somewhat lazy on that front.

Now, I’ve been thinking about the Lunapads again and how much I’d like them on days like this.  Yet, I’m considering the loss of tangible fluid and having to wear pads again.  Neither makes me happy. I like seeing my period in its liquid state and not to mention the texturific bits.  Nonetheless, the convenience–I want.

The pantyliners are the best fit, but the mini pads come with liners that I can change throughout the day.  Also, with the latter I’ll have the option to simply wear a pad instead of a cup on one of my lighter, yet still bleeding days.  It’s settled.

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