Tag Archives: menstrual helpers

Menstrual Tips.

29 Nov

The yoni menstrual tips board offers lots of fun and interesting ideas for an easier, more relaxing week of bleeding.

Some of the more noteworthy ideas:

  • Try not wearing pads or tampons. Just let your blood flow, fill all of your folds and run down you legs. Obviously, the price of laundry detergent means you can’t do this too often, but it’s incredible – the warmth, that heady smell, being bathed in your own lubrication…this is womanhood!
  • For sore breasts, massage in circular movements, up, in, down, and around the breasts. Also try using a crystallized salt deodorant instead of conventional ones.
  • H o o o w l at the moon. Wear red. It stimulates the circulation and replaces the red you are losing from the aura.
  • Spend time by the ocean. Use the beauty and power of nature, especially water, to cleanse, clarify and wash away the old and no longer useful thoughts and feelings. Long, hot, perfumed soaks in the bath are great. Clary Sage and Rose oils are lovely.
  • Have a day off. ~~~I’ve found this to be my best medicine. Meditate, dance wildly, be creative, have orgasms, watch the moon, sleep more, read, do nothing, do whatever turns you on.
  • I have just discovered, with the help of my boyfriend, that he can alleviate a lot of the pain that I get with my period. We both get naked (not for sexual purposes, last thing I want is a poke at that point), I lay on top of him and get as comfortable as possible. Then he runs his fingertips up and down my back, thighs and hips very lightly. This can get so relaxing that my cramps are gone before I even notice it. It’s also a great way to fall asleep. Thank god not all men are assholes
  • For those women who don’t have somebody to do this for them or that have partners who aren’t willing to do it: Evening Primrose Oil (HIGH doses) and St John’s Wort oil capsules have helped me immensely. Lessens the severe cramping I was getting as well as the depression and rage. I’m not nearly as psychotic as I used to be, period or not